Time: 11:30-1:00pm (program 12:00-1:00 pm)
Venue: The Presbyterian Homes - Westminster Place, 3200 Grant Street, Evanston, IL (Please Note: The campus is like a college campus with multiple buildings so please use these directions.)
campus is like a college campus with multiple buildings so encourage people
to use the attached in email)
Program Description: Your organization has a culture of philanthropy. Is it the culture you want? Fundraising success in your organization requires everyone's involvement, including board members—whether they like it or not. During this session, TWB Fundraising CEO Don Souhrada will discuss how to encourage your board to embrace a thriving culture of philanthropy.
Speaker Bio: Don Souhrada is the president and CEO of TWB Fundraising, where he draws on 35 years of nonprofit fundraising expertise to serve his clients. Before joining TWB, Don held leadership roles at major universities and top hospitals. As a consultant, he delivers creative solutions for organizations developing major gift programs and capital campaigns.
Membership: Only $50 /year for 10 programs plus other PIDN benefits.
Drop-In: $20 per program ($15 for professionals new to the field)