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Boards on Fire: Inspiring Leaders to Raise Money Joyfully


Time: 12:00 - 1:00pm

Venue: Zoom

Description: Do your board members struggle with fundraising?  Perhaps we have unwittingly put barriers in their way that keep them from succeeding.  Join this interactive conversation to discover what’s in their way and how you can remove those barriers using simple, no-cost steps you can act on immediately.  Invite a couple of board members to join you for this engaging and illuminating session.

Speaker Bio: Susan Howlett has consulted with thousands of nonprofits, large and small, across the continent over the last 40 years.  She’s authored two award-winning books – Getting Funded: The Complete Guide to Writing Grant Proposals, and Boards on Fire: Inspiring Leaders to Raise Money Joyfully.   Longtime leaders of four professional associations like PIDN in the Seattle area, she’s been lead faculty in a year-long Fundraising Certificate Program at the University of Washington since 1990.  She speaks and trains nationally, known for offering practical solutions to age-old problems, delivered with humor, stories, and chocolate.

Membership: Only $55 /year for 10 programs plus other PIDN benefits.

Drop-In: $20 per program ($15 for professionals new to the field)

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